Bueno, hay so much for me to highlight in your article, though I chose these two with my one name response:
Filiberto Ojeda Ríos !!!
Though I voted for Obama twice, later educating myself on how he brought PROMESA to Boriken - not at all enthused about La Junta +++
I will say this, the orange man - and yes, I will call him out to be what his rhetoric, policies and arrogance have revealed to the masses - narcissist, sexist, racist, hijo de gran cabró** (intentionally avoided the common term ending with p*ta), is an absolute pesadilla for your beloved adopted country, the u.s. of KKK.
As a colony of gringolandia, we are certainly impacted by who sits in that not-at-all 'casa blanca.'
Otherwise (except for my beautiful gente allá - the hardworking ones), me importa muy poco saber de ese país.
BTW, todavia andas por Bali?