Dang, if Frederick Douglass were president !!!
Here's my thing, when folks talk about 'our' country (in this case 'your' country cuz it sure as sh*t was never mine - nor did I want it to be), don't they realize the land still belongs to the Indigenous (always with a capital " I ") Peoples?
At least that's my thought.
Oh yea, last night I caught your boy on YouTube spewing more of his nonsense. The orange monster is unhinged to the umpteenth degree - did you hear him on Ghaza? He talkin bout our Palestinian sisters + brothers should leave so he can turn it into some Middle East playground - like what? Like, Atantic City?
He is beyond outta control. Honestly, folks gotta get rid of him - can't he be impeached? Rhetorical question, though you know where I'm coming from.