Ohhhhh, I was not at all expecting this surprise, TSA. I appreciate you taking the time to read, comment and go further to select my piece for your publication feature.
I just went over to your link (thank you for providing same). However, might I make a request? In your detailed synopsis (which I find poignant and compassionate), the term "American" is one that I do not at all identify with. The reason is a longer version than the space allowed here in the comments section, I'll simply note that we are a colonized people. As such, I prefer either the term Boricua (which comes from the archipelago's Indigenous name - Borikén) or Puerto Rican, which obviously is the colonizer classification (deriving from Puerto Rico).
Yes, I was born in NYC; however, I do not consider myself American.
Lastly, because of the history of our "citizenship" status (whether we are born on the archipelago or in the U.S.), we are deemed U.S. citizens; however, the term "first-generation American immigrants" is technically a misnomer. Using "first-generation U.S. born" child of Puerto Rican parents is accurate.
Please let me know if you have questions, you can always reach me at lola@thirdaccent.com.
Again, I'm thrilled about the nomination and opportunity to expand my viewership.
Sending warm vibes your way.