One of our freedom fighters, Rafael Cancel Miranda put it best when he asked: 'What is the most celebrated historical event of a nation? It's their Independence Day'
It's also very important for those like you, who live in places not of their ancestral lineage (please correct me if I misread the last line of your comment) because it helps give them context into the country's mindset and culture.
I'm a big opponent of the many [non-Puerto Rican descended] U.S. citizens who are moving her to take advantage of tax breaks because I see how some of these folks have zero intention of helping our struggle for independence. Often they refuse to learn español (which of course, we know is our first colonizer's language), they aren't interested in learning about our beautifully vibrant culture, and they got an unbelievable arrogance. They gotta go - it's that simple. They've got 50 states to choose from, they do not need to be here.
I appreciate you for being part of the conversation.