Yesterday’s Placeholder

Lola Rosario
2 min readJun 20, 2024

06.20.2024 ~ Loíza, Borikén

Knowing I likely wouldn’t return home before midnight, I needed Plan B to ensure I would meet my [June] 30-day writing challenge.

So, yesterday — on the bus to Caguas for a special poetry in collaboration with poets from Colombia — I opened the Medium app on my cellphone. I typed:

Placeholder 20 June 2024.

I did this intending to return to the ‘post’ the next day (today). The thing is putting a ‘placeholder’ only ensures that my Medium ‘story’s’ date remains intact.

There is no associated image nor is there any associated text other than the title.

Basically, I cheated on my challenge, so I came up with this short poem —


do you remember
how you detested
those unruly kids —
the ones who didn’t
follow the rules?

do you remember
how when the teacher
returned to the classroom
you tattled on them —
because they were running around
out of control?

do you remember?
I do.

now it’s time
to tell on yourself
own up to the fact that
you’re not perfect
and no placeholder
can change this

I’ll write more on this at the end of my June writing challenge because I’ve so far done this twice during the month.

Am I disappointed in myself for this faux-pas? Yes. It’s another learning lesson — a reminder for me to improve my time managment skills.

It’s also a reminder to hold myself accountable.

Acknowledging the Arawak, the First Peoples of Borikén, on whose unceded lands my work is created. In gratitude for and in honor of our Elders, past, present, and emerging. May my work always unapologetically and boldly uplift our wondrous Indigenous Taíno, Iñeri, and African roots.



Lola Rosario
Lola Rosario

Written by Lola Rosario

Spoken Word Poet 🇵🇷 Living Boldly Unapologetic https://lolaslines.com

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