This past Thursday, at a pro-Palestinian encampment at la Universidad de Puerto Rico Río Piedras (in San Juan), we had a poetry event. At the end - when most everyone hung out in smaller groups talking and sharing more solidarity, it came time for me to figure out como regresar a Loíza (posiblemente con 'pon' - getting a ride, at least part of the way).
The short of it: Manuela offered to take a few of us to Santurce (another part of SJ that would leave me to catch a less expensive Uber ride home). They told our group they had to ir al baño porque (well, ya tú sabes to fill in the blank here). Yo también fui al baño. Afterward, I told elle about how I'd read that holding one's pee (whether mujer o hombre - or non-binary) no era saludable.
Me duele saber que viviste por esa agonía. Gracias por compartirlo. Un abrazo desde Borikén. 🌻