We certainly do. As a kid, visiting family on the archipelago, I remember they'd say "ellos llegaron de allá fuera." I always found that interesting, especially considering mami was born & raised here (shout out to Trujillo Alto!!) - she left this beautiful country at 15 years young.
I heard plenty of stories about how they'd say people like me - Nuyorican - aren't really Boricua. I've been told that after Huracán María, much of that sentiment changed because thousands of puertorriqueñas/os/es from the diaspora came to the aid of our beautiful gente acá - right quick!!
Now that I live here, I continue to learn so much (and of course UNlearn the many lies - NO, Colombus didn't 'discover' us 😡).
Bueno, if you'd like to read more, please check out my comment to Amir further along in the comments. If you're in NYC during the end of the month, would be great to connect.
P'arriba y pa'lante siempre!!